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Owning a small shop is a dream fulfilled. But what if there’s a sudden blackout? Power blackouts, especially in the case of SMEs, can be very burdensome.

When a fire breaks out in your shop and there is smoke all around, consider smart emergency lights to be your trustworthy guides. At Sanforce, we provide customized emergency lighting solutions catering to client’s needs.

Benefits Of Advanced Emergency Lighting

Smoke may rapidly fill the surrounding areas in a fire, which can be difficult to see and follow. Advanced emergency lights cut through the smoke, guiding individuals to safety. The emergency lighting system provides bright and clear illumination, making it easy for individuals to locate exit routes, fire extinguishers, and emergency equipment. 

Panic and anxiety can hamper effective evacuation in emergency situations. Emergency lights help to calm people, reduce stress levels, and ensure a coherent response to a fire incident through their high-quality illumination. 

Automated self-testing and monitoring features reduce the need for human maintenance checks. This saves time and resources while minimizing interference with daily operations. While the initial investment may be higher, advanced emergency lighting systems are financially sound over time due to the long-term cost savings associated with reduced lifespan maintenance, energy efficiency, and extended system life.

Types Of Emergency Lighting

  • Self-Contained (SC): A self-contained emergency luminaire has its own battery. The main lighting circuit will continue to charge the lightbulb under normal conditions even if the power source is cut off and the battery takes over.
  • Central Battery:  A central battery system features ‘slave’ emergency luminaires with no onboard battery. If the main lighting fails, luminaires can draw power from a single central battery, which is connected to an automatic charger, alarm, and instrument.
  • Maintained and Non-Maintained Fixtures: When there is a power outage, maintained fixtures continue to operate as usual. Maintained emergency lights are easily recognized as a component of the normal lighting system and typically fit into the overall lighting layout. They’re easily identifiable in the building, as they blend into existing lighting systems. An example of this is the large square LED panels found in schools and office buildings. 

On the other hand, if the main power supply is not operational, non-maintained emergency lighting equipment will continue to be turned off. They’ll only be turned on in case of a power failure.

Nonmaintained emergency lights are separated from regular lighting installations in a building. They’re designed to be activated in an emergency, so their activation is separated from regular lighting equipment. The best example is the LED bulkheads found above stairwell doors.

Advanced Emergency Lighting Technologies

Smart emergency lighting technologies

smart emergency exit

Sanforce Technology provides customized smart technology to express a revolutionary approach to workplace security. The smart emergency lights offer enhanced control, monitoring, and automation features that are beyond traditional functions.

Integrated sensors, like motion sensors, can identify changes in the surroundings. These sensors can trigger emergency lights to turn on or adjust in brightness depending on the presence of people.

Smart emergency lighting systems significantly boost coverage and visibility. Sanforce’s LED emergency drivers offer brighter, more uniform lighting, addressing the diverse layouts found in Indian workplaces.

Smart emergency lighting systems are reshaping safety standards by incorporating IoT integration. These systems can self-test, eliminating the need for manual checks and simplifying maintenance. IoT connectivity allows real-time monitoring and remote access, which promotes a proactive approach to the system’s health.

Install lights in strategic locations to ensure maximum coverage in case of an emergency. Set up a reliable power supply and link it to the network for easy operation. Link the system to the Internet of Things (IoT) to facilitate data sharing and real-time monitoring.

Turn on automated self-testing to perform routine health checks.

Set up a system to automatically detect faults and report problems so they can be solved quickly. Implement strong security measures for IoT integration to protect against unwanted access.

Provide remote access so that system performance and state can be tracked. Regularly analyze data from the system to identify patterns and potential issues.

Customize settings to fit particular emergencies and different environmental situations, increasing the system’s adaptability. Saving energy in non-emergency situations supports resource efficiency and sustainability. Perform routine tests to make sure the system is kept in good working condition and that its integrity is maintained for a successful emergency response.

Fluorescent Emergency Kits

florescent aid kit

Fluorescent emergency kits are the same as normal fluorescent lights, but they’re still bright even when their main power supply is turned off. They’ve got backup power to keep them running. They’re suitable for emergency lighting.

They have safety features that help prevent reverse battery failures, voltage spikes, and short circuits. They work in extreme temperatures (-25°C to 70°C) and are simple to install. Their emergency ballast is automatically recharged, so there’s no need to set a reminder for charging.

Ensure that the components are compatible with the fluorescent system, that they are connected to a steady power source for battery charging, and that they are tested regularly for optimum performance.

The kit should be strategically placed in critical areas, integrated with building systems for automatic activation, and comply with local safety rules.

Intelligent LED Emergency Lights

Intelligent LED emergency lights are equipped with an automatic self test function. They have a microprocessor chip that is designed to carry out various tests to ensure that the emergency battery and bulb are operating as efficiently as possible. 

The intelligent LED emergency lighting system has a powerful self-charging function, ensuring that the battery doesn’t run out and providing efficient illumination. In cases of blackouts, self-recharging LED emergency lights can also serve as flashing lights to show the path. Remotely controlled lights are one of the intelligent features of this light.

You can dim or increase the brightness of the LED lamps, and you can set the color of the lights according to the mood with a remote control. Install the lights in staircases, firefighting equipment, fire alarm panels, and intersections of corridors, and connect them to a reliable source of power.

Connect the lights to the network for real-time monitoring and remote control. If you are not in an emergency, use energy-saving modes and connect to energy management systems.

Establish remote access and check the lights’ condition on a regular basis. Handle manual testing methods and interactions with building systems to manage the emergency response. Check frequently that your configuration meets safety requirements.


Sanforce Technology offers many solutions for emergency lighting with advanced features. Advanced emergency lighting can help to increase visibility via smoke, reduce panic and fear in evacuations, and provide automatic self-checking that will lead to cost savings over time. Sanforce Technology adopts smart emergency lighting technologies.

These systems include IoT integration, motion sensors, and real-time monitoring, significantly improving coverage, visibility, and automation. Fluorescent emergency kits and intelligent LED emergency lights also offer features like backup power, automatic self-testing, and remote control capabilities, ensuring reliable performance during emergencies.

Strategic placement, reliable power sources, regular testing, and conformity with safety legislation are essential for the installation and maintenance of these new systems. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the types of emergency lighting?

The types of emergency lighting are self-contained, central battery, maintained, and non-maintained fixtures.

2. Why should we have strong security measures for IoT integration?

Implement strong security measures for IoT integration to protect against unwanted access. 

3. What is the use of fluorescent emergency kits?

Fluorescent emergency kits have backup power to keep them running. They’re suitable for emergency lighting.

4. Where should intelligent LED emergency lights be installed?

Install the lights in staircases, firefighting equipment, fire alarm panels, and intersections of corridors, and connect them to a reliable source of power.

5. Why are nonmaintained emergency lights separated from regular lighting installations?

Nonmaintained emergency lights are designed to be activated in an emergency, so their activation is separated from regular lighting equipment.

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